
improving industry and human autonomy through robotics

Hi! This is my personal website to showcase my research and personal projects. I wanted an easy to access repository to be able to showcase and summarize ongoing and completed projects for those interested. I believe strong visualization and simplification of one's work is crucial for creating engagement with future collaborators. If you have any questions or comments feel free to reach out!


I attended the University of California, Irvine for my B.S. in Mechanical Engineering and my minor in Biomedical Engineering. I became interested in participating in research during my sophomore year. I reached out to my first advisor, Dr. Kulinsky, and became a part of my first research lab the BiNoM lab. From here I learned the basic of conducting academic research and working in collaboration with industry. Most of my work was in CD microfluidics and towards the end of my junior year I became interested in medical robotics. I began work in the Robotics Automation lab under Dr. McCarthy, and worked alongside medical professionals to design rehabilitation devices for the shoulder and finger.

After graduating, I decided to pursue a master's degree in order to become more proficient in robotics research prior to entering the industry. I was awarded the Graduate College Master's Fellowship at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and currently apart of Monolithic Systems Lab under Dr. Krishnan. Currently, I am working on soft and continuum robotic manipulators, for agricultural, medical and space applications.


With my background in mechanical and biomedical engineering, I enjoy creating innovating solutions to a variety of medical or industrial applications:

about me

I thoroughly enjoy exercise and sports, and try to pick up a new physical activity every couple of years or so, some of my favorites include: playing pick-up basketball, boxing, and pickleball.

I take pleasure in playing a wide range of video games from early 2000s RPGs to modern-day indie classics, this is synonymous with watching movies which my two favorite movies being Lawrence of Arabia and Blade Runner 2049.

Other than that I have recently picked up Blender to try and improve my visual graphics for future research publications.


[1] Snehan Peshin, John Golden, Boyang Gan, Christian Mast, Lawrence Kulinsky, Controlling the advancement of the liquid front of the nitrocellulose membrane assay under the influence of the centrifugal force on the Lab-on-a-Disc platform, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 386, 2023, 133735, ISSN 0925-4005,

[2] Robson, N, Audrey, V, Hernandez, S, Golden, J, & Ton, V. "Natural Motion Grasping Design Using Control-Oriented Kinematic Models." Proceedings of the ASME 2023 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. Volume 8: 47th Mechanisms and Robotics Conference (MR). Boston, Massachusetts, USA. August 20–23, 2023. V008T08A073. ASME.

[3] J. Li, J. Golden, B. Johnson, E. Quilligan, V. Gardner, C. Prietto, and J. McCarthy, “Spherical exoskeleton for the measurement of shoulder movement”, Accepted to CCToMM (2023)