The following paper proposes an extension to the original design by Miguel Castro. A circular scissor mechanism serves as the basis to the shoulder exoskeleton, in which the base of the mechanism is fixed to a plate on the scapula and the other to the side of the bicep. Rotary encoders where placed on the three center joints of the mechanism, and the inverse kinematics for a RR-chain is solved to get the angles of flexion/extension and horizontal abduction. The follow-up paper will be processed soon by the reviewers and additional information will be added.
1: Learning to communicate technical information with medical field professionals (i.e. clinicans, surgeons, etc.)
2: Designing professional quality mechanical prototypes that can be used by clincians easily
3: Basic mechantronics and learning to interpret SPI signals from rotary encoders
[1] Journal publication accepted from TCSME. (Coming soon!)
[2] J. Li, J. Golden, B. Johnson, E. Quilligan, V. Gardner, C. Prietto, and J. McCarthy, “Spherical exoskeleton for the measurement of shoulder movement”, Accepted to CCToMM (2023) Link to publication.